How to make moving home less stressful

Moving home is an emotional time. You may be sad to be leaving your old home but at the same time be excited about moving into your new one. Finding the right home for you and your family can be a stressful experience and then just when you have finished jumping through all of the necessary hoops and signing all of the paperwork the most stressful part of all begins, moving!
However, with a little bit of planning you can help to reduce some of the moving day stress and make moving into your new home a more enjoyable experience.
Start now
If you are reading this blog then it is likely that you are either fast approaching your moving day, are actively looking to move or are considering moving. Whichever of these best describes you it is never too early to start getting ready to move. The best way to start is to get decluttering. It's easy to think that you have lots of time and everyone loves a bit of procrastination but the sooner that you start dealing with all of your excess clutter the less stressed you will be in the long run as you will have less to pack.
Get ahead
If you really can't bear to get rid of some of your belongings but also know that you won't need them before you move then why not take the opportunity to get ahead with your packing and pop them in a box so that they are ready to go.
Will your furniture fit in your new home? If not then paying to move it will be a waste of money and finding out now will be less stressful than finding out on moving day. If you have sentimental attachment to any particular piece then see if a family member would like to use it until you move again otherwise see it as an opportunity to start afresh in your new home.
Label it
Clearly labelling each box with its destination and contents will make it easier for the removal company (or you) to know which room to put each box in on moving day. If you unexpectedly need something before you move and have already packed it then clear labels will make it easier to find it too. The same applies when you are in your new home and need something before you have finished unpacking.
The night before
Pack yourself a bag with your important paperwork, identity documents, daily medication, toiletries, chargers and a change of clothes. You may find that you are too tired on the first evening in your new home to start unpacking so make sure that you have everything you need to be able to comfortably spend the first night in your new home in that bag.
Try to relax
Moving day can be stressful. Try to avoid putting extra pressure on yourself by setting yourself goals about what time you want to be in by as delays can happen, or how quickly you must unpack. By approaching the day with a relaxed attitude you will be much more resilient to and therefore less stressed if any hiccups occur. Just focus on how you are going to feel at the end of the day when you are settled in your lovely new home and use that feeling to help carry you through the stresses of the day.
If you are thinking of moving in Lanarkshire and would like more advice on moving home then please do give us a call on 01698 441327.