How to Get the Best Price for your Home

We appreciate that a quick sale may be some sellers' best option, however is selling in a day really going to get you the best price for your biggest asset? We want to help you get the best price for your home.
Selling your property to the first person that has viewed/put an offer in may leave you wondering "Could I have got a better price?"
Property Market
We are in a unique market where the number of buyers massively outnumber the amount of houses for sale
This makes it the perfect time for you to get the best price for your home. You may find that in the first few days people are throwing offers at you.
Don't leave yourself wondering if you could have achieved more for your home.
We understand that depending on your circumstances a quick sale may be the best option for you, however if you are looking to achieve the maximum price for your property why settle for the first offer?
By waiting at least 5-7 days before accepting an offer this allows more people to view your home. This in turn means more people will consider offering on your home.
If several people are interested in buying your property a closing date will be set allowing all interested parties a fair chance to submit their offers.
Closing Date
This is simply the date set by the seller and their Estate Agent for any buyers interested in making an offer
You would set a closing date once a property has more than 1 buyer wishing to offer.
All interested parties will be invited to bring their best and final bids to the estate agent before the closing date.
As all bids are blind, the buyer generally bids high to be in the best position to secure the purchase.
It is the fairest way to settle competing offers and the benefit to you, the will achieve a far higher price.
Get the best price for your home with Lanarkshire Law Estate agent
Selling your home doesn't have to be stressful.
We work hard to take the stress out of selling your home from the very beginning.
Our passion is to do all the hard work so you don't have to!
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