Ensure The Best First Impression Of Your Home when selling

Everyone knows that common phrase "first impressions count". Lanarkshire Law Estate Agents are here to provide the best tools to ensure your property gives the absolute best first impression to potential buyers. We want to ensure you get the best first impression of your home when selling.
Selling your home should be an exciting process and it doesn't have to be stressful. Do your research while choosing your Estate Agent, after all you want your house to reach its full potential.
A good first impression sets you off in the right direction.
Curb Appeal
It may seem obvious but simple things like tidying the garden and decluttering can make the difference between someone viewing your home or skipping past! A property will photograph much better if tidy, clean and clutter free which leads us to..........
They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Showcase your home in its best light by using professional photography.
The first time a buyer sees your home is through pictures.
Professional photographers will also provide a full video tour. Statistics show that a property achieves 20% more views if they are accompanied by a video tour.
Did you know that a property on the market with a floorplan will attract 40% more viewers? What better first impression!
Social Media
Facebook alone has 2.91 billion users!!! Get the beautiful professional pictures of your home out there! The beauty of social media....... your home can be shared far and wide to ensure a massive audience!
Property Portals
Where does a house hunter go to find their dream home? Most turn to property portals first and foremost.
Make sure your property is showcased in all major online property platforms, again showing off the quality photography and video tour.
Curb Appeal
If you want to make sure your property creates the best first impression, visit our blog on Curb appeal